About the holding company
Russian Helicopters is a leading player in the global helicopter industry, the sole Russian rotorcraft designer and manufacturer and one of the few companies worldwide with the capability to design, manufacture, service and test modern civilian and military helicopters. Russian Helicopters is part of State Corporation Rostec.
Russian Helicopters’ facilities span the entire country. The Company includes design bureaus, helicopter assembly plants, components production, maintenance and repair enterprises, aircraft repair plants, and helicopter service companies providing after-sales support in Russia and abroad. Russian Helicopters is headquartered in Moscow.
>8000 helicopters operated worldwide
>100 countries purchased our helicopters
90% of the rotorcraft market in Russia
#1 helicopter manufacturer in Russia and the CIS
Russian Helicopters develop unique technologies that have become world's best sellers and record holders

The most widely operated helicopter in history, produced at two plants in various modern modifications

The heaviest lifting helicopter capable of transporting up to 20 tons of cargo

Multirole coaxial helicopter successfully employed in fire-fighting and search and rescue missions
Russian Helicopters systematically upgrades its series produced models, producing new modifications in response to usage in various part of the world. This helps form a world-class and highly competitive global helicopter industry and provides Russian Helicopters with a stable position among the world's leading helicopter manufacturers.
Russian Helicopters occupies leading positions in the fast-growing markets of India and China and is rapidly expanding its presence in South and Central America, the Middle East and Africa.

Research and Development
Russian Helicopters boasts very strong R&D capabilities. The holding includes the National Helicopter Center 'Mil and Kamov', which unites two rotorcraft-designing schools, whose authority is recognized throughout the world. The history of two design bureaus is closely intertwined with the lives of the two men after whom they were named, Mikhail Mil and Nikolai Kamov, who are universally considered the founding fathers of Russia’s helicopter industry. Nikolai Kamov, who has been credited with coining the Russian word for helicopter, "vertolyot", was actively involved in design and development of an autogyro, a predecessor of a helicopter, in the 1920s. Under the guidance of Mikhail Mil the first Russian series produced helicopter was created.
Service and Support
Russian Helicopters is focused on creating optimum conditions for operators in terms of the full life cycle service support and repair of Russian-made helicopters. Providing highly qualified service and after sales support for Russian Helicopters is a key element in Russian Helicopters’ development strategy.
Our Production Facilities
Our key production facilities include Kazan Helicopters, Rostvertol, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, Progress Arsenyev Aviation Company and Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise. Stupino Engineering Productive Enterprise and Reductor-PM produce rotorcraft components.